Morris continued to work in films (notably ones directed by Rod Lurie) and had a brief stint on the Xena series in 1999. She also appeared in the 2004 films Mindhunters and Paycheck, opposite Ben Affleck, and more recently as the journalist wife of Josh Hartnett in Lurie’s drama Resurrecting the Champ (2007). Morris will appear in the upcoming film Cougars Inc, which is due out in 2011. She lives in Los Angeles, California..
Errol Morris Caught in Bed with a Tabloid! [Interviews] in his latest film, Tabloid, documentary filmmaker Errol Morris revisits a bizarre story that dominated the British rags 30 years ago. It was a simpler time. Voicemail hadn’t yet been invented, so there was nothing to hack. Our heroine, Joyce McKinney, was a busty former Miss Wyoming with an I.Q. of 168. Living then in L.A., McKinney hired a pilot, a private detective, and several musclebound bodyguards, and set off to England to rescue the runaway fiance she was convinced had been brainwashed by the Mormon Church. More » [link]